Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Things I am Currently Loving...

Watching a little Texas Rangers baseball.....growing up in Texas, I've loved the Rangers for a long time. I will admit that my love waned a bit after moving away, but I have recently come back around to watching these guys give it to the Yankees (except, not tonight).

Spotting little rainbows from my car window (don't report me for snapping this quick pic on my iphone...which by the way doesn't even do justice to the vibrancy of the rainbow I saw)

The way that the light catches the stained glass windows in our church chapel after the day's services are complete.

My new steal of a deal boots that I finally found for this winter.

And last but not least my tweeting dog and husband!


  1. Ummm. Excuse me. When were you going to tell me about these boots?

  2. oh yeah....dear mel, i think i may have found boots. i bought them from a random store called "itsfasionmetro." don't judge me. also, do you like the caramel color?
