Wednesday, March 25, 2015

34 Weeks!

Time is seriously flying by these days! Here we are at 34 weeks already--woah! We went back to our regular doctor for a quick check up since we hadn't seen her in a few rotations. Once again everything looks good! We switch over to weekly visits when we come back at 36 weeks--crazy. 

Baby girl is moving up a storm. What once felt like lots of little tiny flutters and kicks are now more like strong punches and rolls. She is definitely beginning to run out of space in there! 

In between my last post and this one we also had TWO baby showers! Baby Lacey received SO many wonderful gifts and is already loved by so many. We are so thankful for our many wonderful friends and family who are already looking forward to meeting her. 

This picture is really only the aftermath from ONE shower. Thankfully my momma came to town to help me organize and sort so that the nursery no longer looks such a mess :) We were able to wash all of the newborn clothes, wash the sheets and towels, make the bed, and get everything fairly ready to go. We also bought all of the things that I'll need post-partum so now I really feel a lot more prepared for what is ahead in the coming months.